Taste2 Seas: Towards Sustainable and Tasty Food in Europe (January 2015)

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The projects Fish and Chips, meCagrO2, 2 Seas Trade and Swap Now all have different goals, but share common themes: taste and sustainability. By encouraging them to collaborate and share information, and in response to the
INTERREG IVA 2 Seas Thematic Cluster Initiative, TASTE 2 Seas will add extra value to the individual research results and improve the taste, sustainability and overall experience of food.

The major subjects addressed are:

Process innovation - The development of more sustainable production methods to ensure safety and security for food and nutrition, while also providing fresher, healthier and tastier products.

Support for local economies - Giving consumers access to local produce. This will help ecologically, by reducing the carbon footprint. At the same time, producing locally is important for the creation of a regional brand.

Reduction of food waste - A search for innovative ways to handle food waste and by-products. There are significant environmental benefits to be gained by approaching food waste in a more sensitive manner.

Consumer education and awareness - Raising awareness of food and food-related issues through alternative education models.