Monitoring Guidance

Project monitoring verifies the sound management of the interventions and produces a regular analysis of the progress of the project. It is therefore essential at Programme level to get accurate information from the projects and their partners. In order to better explain what are the main rules defined at EU level , the ones that come in addition from national level and finally the ones that could be specific to the 2 Seas Programme, you will find in this section some very valuable documents explaining all you have to know about the 2 Seas Programme rules.


1. Programme Manual


The Programme Manual is one of the core documents to accompany your project preparation and implementation. Similarly to the projects, Programme rules may evolve and sometimes some revisions are needed in order to ensure that projects can be effectively implemented.

Many questions from project partners will find the answers within the Programme Manual and some specific guidance notes are available in order to manage complex technical issues such as National rules, Ineligible costs, In-kind contribution, Staff costs, Shared costs, Public procurement and State aid.


2. First Level Control Manual.


The First Level Control Manual is a tool to assist First level Controllers in their checks of the expenditure claimed by the beneficiary they are to control. It shall be read together with the INTERREG IV A 2 Seas Programme Manual where all Programme rules concerning the eligibility of the expenditure are set out in detail.