A condition of a 2 Seas cluster is that 2 or more 2 Seas approved projects come together to work on a given theme in order to capitalise their results.
A cluster is not a regular project, or be considered as the follow-on of an approved project. A cluster rationale is based on the pooling together of different experiences realised in the 2 Seas Programme.
A cluster is not the preparation phase for a future project.
The cluster must first of all consolidate, valorise and disseminate the current programming period achievements.
The cluster must include at least 3 formal partners from 3 different Member States and located in the 2 Seas Programme area. It is mandatory that at least 1 formal partner is based in the UK Programme area. The clusters can also include potential competent organisations from the 2 Seas area.
Cluster deliverables:
In Phase 1, two deliverables are mandatory: a 2 Seas cluster event and a 2 Seas cluster publication. They are conceived and set up by the cluster partners, but they are considered as communication activities at "2 Seas Programme level". Their contents must receive a formal approval by the JTS
For more information, please refer to the FAQ section.
The Cluster Guidance aim is to set out in detail all elements cluster (lead) partners need to know to implement their cluster successfully, from their approval through to the administrative closure and final payment: the procedures, the necessary documents, the deadlines and the mandatory deliverables.
It should be read together with the INTERREG IV A 2 Seas Programme Manual where all Programme rules concerning the eligibility of the expenditure are set out in detail.
The guidance on cluster event and the guidance on cluster publication help you better understand what is expected from these two mandatory deliverables of the cluster.
Please find also the templates for the cluster (Event Programme brochure and 2 Seas magazine). The publication template is provided in three languages and in a format suitable for printers.
The Terms of Reference is the key document of the Call for Cluster. You can find all the information regarding the cluster rationale, the requirements in terms of actions, partnership and budget as well as the modalities for submission.
The Joint Technical Secretariat has carried out an analysis to investigate the possible hypotheses of clusters under the following four themes:
This document intends to provide project partners with the outcomes of this desk-research in order to help them in the process of developing clusters. The hypotheses of clusters described in this document are indicative.