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Biz4Age has worked to address one of the key research and innovation issues facing our generation:
how to enhance economic development, while improving the quality of life of older people.
Focusing on the Two Seas region, the cluster raises awa>...
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The projects Fish and Chips, meCagrO2, 2 Seas Trade and Swap Now all have different goals, but share common themes: taste and sustainability. By encouraging them to collaborate and share information, and in response to the
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The "Eco-mobility Publication: new levers of change" is part of an overall vision, presenting the current context for mobility and the challenge it represents for public policies in the 2 Seas area, looking for efficiency and effectiveness from their populat>...
BERISUAS: BEtter Response and Improved Safety through Unmanned Aircraft Systems
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Drones are a relatively new phenomenon.
The 3i project stimulates the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, UAVs, in the maritime environment. The project partners developed a p>...
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Worldwide competitiveness of our industrial economy will rely strongly on smart growth towards a more digital and sustainable society.
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In this publication, the Interreg IVa Cluster Maritime Heritage Skills, reports on the progress made on capitalising and valorising the expertise gained from its preceding maritime heritage projects.
By developing a system of sharing and certifying th>...Click here to download the magazine!
STEPS (Soft skills Training Enabling Progression and Sustainability), was developed in response to the INTERREG IVA 2 Seas Thematic Cluster initiative. The rationale behind this initiative is to pool experience and expertise from partners working on projects>...
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What are Small and Medium sized Ports (SMPs)? Why are they important? What does the future hold for them? No definitive answer to these questions can be given. Why? Because, like in fiction, also in real life ´minor´ characters are often thought to be pla>...
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Which elements contribute to a productive, creative and innovative climate that stimulates sustainable economic growth in our regions and cities?
The Cluster partners followed a three-way approach to answer this question:Click here to download the magazine!
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EDECT: Empowering Disabled users and carers through the Ethical development and Care provision of assistive Technology.
One billion people around the world living with some form of disability. In the European Union, according to the European Disability >...
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The YES! cluster deals with cross-border cooperation, the promotion of mobility employment, and social inclusion - in short - the empowerment of EU youth.
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In 2010 The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), estimated that in Europe 1 million people were in drug treatment. In their annual report on Europe they recognise the value of treatment but identify the potential for citizens:>...
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PRiME-C, which stands for Partnering for Risk Management and Engagement on the Coast, is a cluster joining nine projects and partners to establish current best practices in coastal risk management and engagement in the 2 Seas area.
In connecting a diverse>...Click here to download the publication!
Tourism is a key sector for the 2 Seas area.
By encouraging 2 Seas residents to holiday closer to home, the PROXIMITY partners hope to keep visitor spend and economic benefit within the region, thus enabling sustainable growth. It will help reduce air mil>...Click here to download the magazine!
In Europe and in the countries within the 2Seas Programme Area carbon reduction is closely related to climate policy and energy policy. Although the exact numbers differ the policies are comparable on headlines. The options to reduce CO2 emission through nat>...
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The long term aim of the cluster is to help reduce social isolation by developing a methodology to encourage socially isolated people through creative engagement to bridge the gap to society and feel more emancipated. We aim to improve emancipation by enh>...
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TOURFISH: Food, Fisheries and Tourism: New opportunites for sustainable development
How can agro-food, fisheries and tourism work together to deliver new opportunities for sustainable development along the coast and in our towns and countryside?
This pu>...Click here to download the magazine!
The DigiSol cluster's main objectives are the consolidation and distribution of the results of the 2 Seas projects, VIVID, SHIVA, 3I and 2 Seas Trade, carrying out of research in the form of a survey into best practices in the field of digital applications >...
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Areas of expertise and excellence exist along with specific cross-border funding schemes to break down frontiers and foster innovation. Currently, the 2 Seas area concentrates internationally recognized researchers in materials science, pharmaceutical tec>...
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The aim of the SAFE-ICE cluster was to pull together the results and learnings from the Interreg 2 Seas projects (Sisco, Ace, Fusion, Ecomind - Inspirer of Carbon Efficiency), and develop a common understanding of what the low-carbon economy is.