
For successful projects/clusters, a Subsidy Contract will be signed between the Programme’s Managing Authority and the Lead Partner organisation. Much of the information is standard and covers the need to comply with programme, national and Community rules and regulations. A couple of features ar...


First Level Control


This information also applies to thematic clusters, even if a partner is already involved in a 2 Seas approved project.


Two different systems are in place in the Programme regarding the implementation of First Level Control:

  • A centralised system in Belgium-Flanders

  • A decentralised syste...


    Reporting Progress Report

    The progress report is a document which consists of an Activity Report that provides information on the achievement of a project's/ cluster's results and outputs, and Financial Report which provides information on a project's/ cluster's expenditure. The information provided in the progress report...


    Monitoring Guidance

    Project monitoring verifies the sound management of the interventions and produces a regular analysis of the progress of the project. It is therefore essential at Programme level to get accurate information from the projects and their partners. In order to better explain what are the main rules d...



    Once the project/ cluster reaches its last semester of implementation, it will have to provide an overview of partnership achievements at the moment of closure (both in terms of finance and content) and the potential durability of these achievements.
    The Final Report is a therefore a key set of do...