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Acronym - Title

SCODECE - Smart COntrol and Diagnosis for Economic and Clean Engines

Priority / Objective
Priority 2 c. Stimulate energy efficiency and development of renewable energies
Project deliverables Video, Image, Document
Status Closed
Total budget € 1 161 162 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

BALANCE - Balancing nature and recreation in peri-urban and rural areas

Lead Partner VLM (Vlaamse Landmaatschappij)
Priority / Objective
Priority 2 d. Promote, improve and manage nature, landscapes, natural heritage, and relations between urban, peri-urban and rural areas
Project deliverables No deliverables available at the moment.
Status Closed
Total budget € 6 696 319 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

MultiDES - Development of a multifunctional drug eluting stent (DES)

Lead Partner University of Greenwich
Priority / Objective
Priority 1 c. Support innovation, research and cooperation between universities, knowledge institutes and businesses
Project deliverables Video, Image, Document
Status Closed
Total budget € 869 449 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

2ST - 2 Seas Trade

Lead Partner Kent County Council
Priority / Objective
Priority 1 b. Promote and encourage entrepreneurship and the development of new cross-border commercial initiatives
Project deliverables Document
Status Closed
Total budget € 1 331 237 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

CC2150 - Coastal Communities 2150 and Beyond

Lead Partner Environment Agency
Priority / Objective
Priority 2 a. Promote and improve the development of activities linked to integrated management of coastal zones, maritime resource and estuaries
Project deliverables Video
Status Closed
Total budget € 2 679 909 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

MEMO - Mnemiopsis Ecology and Modelling: Observation of an invasive comb jelly in the North Sea

Lead Partner EV ILVO - Eigen Vermogen van het Instituut voor Landbouw- en VisserijOnderzoek
Priority / Objective
Priority 2 b. Develop activities to prevent and cope with natural, technological and human risks and to guarantee the quality of the environment
Project deliverables Video, Image, Document
Status Closed
Total budget € 3 506 894 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

CURA-B - acCURAte-Business

Lead Partner N.V. Economische Impuls Zeeland
Priority / Objective
Priority 1 b. Promote and encourage entrepreneurship and the development of new cross-border commercial initiatives
Project deliverables Document
Status Closed
Total budget € 2 699 188 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

iLAEBOR - investing in LAbor and Education in BOrder Regions

Lead Partner Syntra West vzw
Priority / Objective
Priority 3 a. Promote and allow for social inclusion and well-being of different groups in society
Project deliverables No deliverables available at the moment.
Status Closed
Total budget € 2 171 032 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

SYSIASS - Autonomous and Intelligent Healthcare System

Lead Partner Groupe HEI-ISA-ISEN
Priority / Objective
Priority 3 b. Improve the quality of services to the population, including mobility and health care facilities.
Project deliverables No deliverables available at the moment.
Status Closed
Total budget € 2 466 400 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

Villa Crossmedia (VXM) - Villa Crossmedia promotes and facilitates experience-based media education, knowledge, participation, production and dissemination initiatives by connecting cross-border media centres and a virtual youth community platform, targeted at 12 -25 year olds. It has particular foci on cultural identity and local empowerment.

Lead Partner Stad Mechelen
Priority / Objective
Priority 3 a. Promote and allow for social inclusion and well-being of different groups in society
Project deliverables Image, Document
Status Closed
Total budget € 4 300 475 Download: Details: