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investing in LAbor and Education in BOrder Regions


Summary: iLAEBOR aims at promoting innovative crossway connections between labour and (vocational) education for individuals who, due to multitude of issues (functional handicaps, negative social circumstances, low educational level, immigrant status, criminal past, or a combination of these) are at a significant distance from the labour market. Despite numerous, sometimes successful initiatives in the partner countries, the employment policy for the target group remains fragmented. The project will therefore focus on an overarching crossborder approach, searching for a structural connection between (vocational) education & employment and a successful, sustainable transition from school to work for the target group. An important priority in each of the participating regions will be to prevent drop-outs in education and to promote sustainable participation in the labour market. The issue being Addressing the issue from different perspectives in the participating countries, this project will offer the opportunity to enlarge increase the knowledge and ways to deal with this problem through collaboration between the partner organisations. An implicit and important goal of the project will finally be the metamorphosis of companies into social entrepreneurships namely through diversity management.
Timeframe: 01.06.2009 - 31.12.2013
Total project budget: € 2 171 032
Total amount of ERDF requested: € 1 085 516
Grant rate: 50 %
Status: Closed
Web address: No link available at the moment
Priority and Operational objective addressed:Priority 3 a. Promote and allow for social inclusion and well-being of different groups in society
Lead Partner:
Syntra West vzw
Project Coordinator:
Emanuel David
Other partners:
Stichting Pro Work
Sparsholt College Hampshire
SCALDA (Stichting ROC Zeeland)


What was the project trying to achieve?

The main aim of the project was to promote social inclusion; in an innovative way create a better connection between the labour market and (vocational) education for individuals who, due to 'multiple' issues experience a structural distance to employment. Objectives derived from this aim were 1) create support for individuals from the target group within education; 2) create a better transition from education to work; 3) introduce diversity management concepts in companies.

What were the activities implemented?

Key Action 1: Support to individuals and education; Actions under Action 1 included:

1) extracurricular learning opportunities such as job training and company visits;

2) training courses for the target group of individuals with 'multi' problems;

3) training and info sessions for the target group and their mentors, coaches in education;

4) developing a post-graduate (bachelor) degree course 'diversity management'; 5) develop and implement online support on ICT-based adaptation resources for the target group.

Key Action 2: Transition from education to the labour market: Actions:

1) modify / use / apply (ICT) assessment tools for matching supply and demand (see the Validation of Prior Learning - VPL & Personal Development Plans - PDP on the portal;

2) adjust / use (ICT) tools - 'assistive technology' – for individual coaching , train-the-trainer and awareness;

3) use / apply practical, competence-based tools / materials on vocational, learning & civic competences for the matching of competences;

4) establishment of an (online) support for (ICT) tools for the target group towards the labour market;

5) coaching / supervising participants from the target group, e.g. through internships, for better chances on the regular labour market

Key Action 3: Diversity Management: Actions included

1) develop diversity plans and procedures: (a) exchange of experiences (failure & success factors) between partners, (b) developing diversity plans, (c) evaluation, (d) implementation;

2) coaching of employers & employees: (a ) sharing experiences (failure & success factors) between partners, (b) coaching, (c) evaluation, (d) implementation;

3) carrying out a diversity audit in companies +/- 5 companies per partner country): in what areas is the company already active? Improvements? Insight in success & failure factors, learning from experiences;

4) identifying potential grants / contributions for inclusion of people from the target group in companies;

5) organizing training & information sessions for coaches / trainers from companies (Spring Schools).


What were the key results of the project?

RESULTS KEY ACTIVITY 1: 35 job-application trainings; 220 students who visited companies; 668 students that were reached in guidance and supporting pathways; 158 students in collective training courses regarding labour market chances; 30 coaching sessions for VET coaches and trainers; 1 post-graduate course module on diversity management; 1 ICT platform for ICT based adaptation resources ( ---- RESULTS KEY ACTIVITY 2: 2 assessment tools being 1 Validation of Prior Learning tool and 1 Personal Development Plan tool; 15 cases of realized use of Assistive Technology; 1 learning material database; 395 individuals being coached towards the labour market --- RESULTS KEY ACTIVITY 3: 2 diversity plans; 61 employees being coached; 17 diversity audits; 1 webpage on possible funds and governmental measures; 2 Spring Schools for students HR management

Did all partners and territories benefit from the results?

Individuals in education with multiple issues (functional disabilities, negative social circumstances, low educational level, immigrant background, criminal past, or a combination of issues) at a distance from the labour market. In the cross-border area, beneficiaries were sought and found in all partners organisations: students in Syntra West, Scalda and Petroc benefited from the innovative pathways that were set up to guide them personally, from the job application trainings and the company visits, from the created awareness regarding their skills and their strenghts useful on the labour market, from the hands-on information they need to enter the labour market successfully, from the individual and collective sessions dedicated to their labour market chances in general.

ALSO their mentors, teachers and trainers benefited from the actions in iLAEBOR: they were coached and trained to be better mentors, better teachers/trainers that learned how to better address their audience, how to better guide them in the case of personal problems, how to motivate them and handle conflicts, how to guide them regarding the link to the labour market.

Final beneficiaries:

1) Educational institutions who know can rely on the innovative guidance material rendered by the project whereby individual and collective guidance pathways can be set up, to help students to improve their chances on the labour market.

2) Companies who gain insight in the advantages of a divers HR policy, whereby focus lays on talents and a diverse combination of strenghts rather than on competency gaps only or obstruction through differences

What were the effects / outcomes for the territories involved?

Effects for each territory:
At least in partner organisations, more attention is paid to individuals at a distance from the labour market. Measures and initiatives to help them are set up in a very general way, not putting all focus only on the ones in need: all students as a group are addressed, whereby students with special needs have easier access to additional support wherever needed. Educational institutions now know better how to deal with people with multiple issues, and have changed their approach in several ways. All partners developed new instruments that they use themselves, as well as disseminate through their networks in their wider region. In new projects and forms of cooperation, they share their new concepts and build further on them in a larger scale with colleagues and partners from outside the project. This is the case for Flanders, the Netherlands and the UK in a very wide sense.
In each partner country, there is now more insight and knowledge about the importance of actions (guidance) to better match education and labour market; the importance of paying attention to soft skills as cooperate, communicate, present oneself, ability for self-reflection; the importance of learning by doing and co-create chances for the labour market; the importance of diversity and focussing on possibilities instead of disadvantages.


What was the real added-value of doing this cross-border project?

In the partner regions of the 2 Seas Area there is a common target group with a shared variety of problems. In the past, various solutions have been developed separately , without mutual sharing and learning. Through this project, partners from 3 countries could share their experiences, successes & failures and learn from and inspire each other enormously. More than anything this cooperation resulted in efficient and effective outputs on a cost-effective base. Furthermore all newly developed methods could be tested and implemented in several different areas. Also with regards to the growing international labour mobility of this region, our tools appear to be exchangable and relevant for all countries involved.

Have any synergies been developed with other projects or networks?

The iLAEBOR project resulted extremely related to many other initiatives and projects carried out these days. It contributes to a very relevant and contemporary theme (social inclusion, social innovation, soft skills) so a lot of common ground could be found in other projects partners are involved in (Study Support, Playing for Success, ComTal, etc.). Not at least in the 2 cluster initiatives, we have found many other partners who also address the topic but in a completely different way, which is extremely inspiring and enriching. It is a very interesting experience to be at the table with equal minds and a great variety of products on the table to work with. We certainly believe this is not the end of this, and that we will continu to use and capitalize on our results in the near and long-term future.

Key messages and key lessons shared by the project

Keep good track of your targets and results per partner. Keep a good overview of what every partners has been doing, is planning, can share --> and make sure that it is shared indeed. Try to make good agreements on the payments of the websites, on the sharing and translation of material, etc. Try to keep your stakeholders up to date of the project progress and keep a good mailing/contact list to reach as many as possible.


Sustainability and long lasting effect at project level

From the start of the project special attention was paid to the embedding and implementation of project products and results in partners' activities. Active valorization took place also beyond the partnership: by active gathering of information and expanding the network of partners & stakeholders using publications and presentations at conferences. Establishment of a lasting cooperation for: (a) cross-border management, maintenance & implementation of project results & - products (including a portal for the Two Seas Area and national and European use, using our digital materials bank), (b) exchanging knowledge on a continuous base between stakeholders involved in reintegration of people with ‘multiple problems', (c) continuing collaboration with existing organizations & networks (d) developing the exploitation of opportunities in future projects.

Sustainability and long lasting effect at networking level

During the project, partners had good relation ships from the beginning. We formed a very interesting partnership with various very different partners who had different core business and approaches, but from whom we all learned a lot just through these differences. It would be a pity not to continue this learning and sharing, so we are definetely looking into ways to make this network sustainable. Through the portal we are connected as a partnership, and we will try to keep it in the air. The iLAEBOR ambassadors are proud to be part of this, and continuously keep disseminating and building further on our results. Two 2 Seas cluster initiatives were approved wherein iLAEBOR partners and thus iLAEBOR results are represented, being the YES and the STEPS cluster, both focussing on soft skills and their relevance for the labour market.
In both projects, iLAEBOR partners are represented and working together, not forgetting about the partners who did not step into the project: they are continuously informed on the progress, on the potential role they could play in Phases 1 or 2, and for one of our big cluster conferences, one of the not-involved partners was invited to come and share their built-up expertise with the audience. The iLAEBOR project has certainly reinforced important and interesting bonds and cooperation network strings!

What’s next?

Many activities that were launched thanks to the project will be continued, mainly self-supported. Additional guidance of students will be continued based on project results. Diversity management consulting will be continued in cooperation with companies and organisations. The dissemination and capitalisation of the project results will continue in future EU funded projects: more target groups will be reached (educational institutions, public as well as private organisations, social economy organisations, etc.). The project results will be used to put the theme of soft skills high on the agenda, as well as the necessity and added value of the investment in a diverse labour market.




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