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86 results found Back to search
Acronym - Title

TRANSCOAST - Transcoast (Transformation of ports and harbours to strengthen the socio-economic potential of coastal areas)

Lead Partner Provincie Zeeland
Priority / Objective
Priority 1 a. Support the development of joint economic activities, including the maritime economy
Project deliverables Video, Document
Status Closed
Total budget € 10 393 418 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

C21P - 21st Century Parks

Lead Partner Rother District Council
Priority / Objective
Priority 3 d. Promote, enhance and conserve the common heritage and cultural partnerships, including development of creativity and design and joint cooperation between the media
Project deliverables No deliverables available at the moment.
Status Closed
Total budget € 1 799 042 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

Natura People - Natura People: engaging with people to build a sustainable future for natural heritage of Natura 2000 sites

Lead Partner Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Priority / Objective
Priority 2 d. Promote, improve and manage nature, landscapes, natural heritage, and relations between urban, peri-urban and rural areas
Project deliverables Image
Status Closed
Total budget € 4 522 973 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

Heroes 2C - “Heroes of the Two Sea & Heroes to See

Lead Partner New Medway Steam Packet Company Ltd
Priority / Objective
Priority 3 a. Promote and allow for social inclusion and well-being of different groups in society
Project deliverables Video
Status Closed
Total budget € 4 998 871 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

SUCCES - Sustainable Uplifting Client Centred Employment Support

Lead Partner Medway Council
Priority / Objective
Priority 3 a. Promote and allow for social inclusion and well-being of different groups in society
Project deliverables Video, Image, Document
Status Closed
Total budget € 2 699 182 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

INSPIRER - Improving Neighbourhood Sustainability with Participatory and Innovative Responses to Environmental Regeneration

Lead Partner Medway Council
Priority / Objective
Priority 2 e. Improve and enhance good practices in water, waste and resources management, and sustainable use of resources
Project deliverables Document
Status Closed
Total budget € 5 333 542 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

DYMAPHY - Development of a DYnamic observation system for the assessment of MArine water quality, based on PHYtoplankton analysis

Lead Partner Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale
Priority / Objective
Priority 2 b. Develop activities to prevent and cope with natural, technological and human risks and to guarantee the quality of the environment
Project deliverables Video, Document
Status Closed
Total budget € 2 460 974 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title


Priority / Objective
Priority 1 e. Promote entrepreneurship and facilitate the development of employment and human capital
Project deliverables Video, Image, Document
Status Closed
Total budget € 1 719 967 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

SHIVA - Sculpture for Health-care: Interaction and Virtual Art in 3D

Priority / Objective
Priority 3 b. Improve the quality of services to the population, including mobility and health care facilities.
Project deliverables Document
Status Closed
Total budget € 1 629 854 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

IDEA - Improving Drugs Efficacy and Availability

Lead Partner Université de Lille1
Priority / Objective
Priority 1 c. Support innovation, research and cooperation between universities, knowledge institutes and businesses
Project deliverables No deliverables available at the moment.
Status Closed
Total budget € 2 670 477 Download: Details: