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86 results found Back to search
Acronym - Title

LCP - Landscape, Cities, People

Lead Partner Fabrica
Priority / Objective
Priority 3 d. Promote, enhance and conserve the common heritage and cultural partnerships, including development of creativity and design and joint cooperation between the media
Project deliverables Video, Image, Document
Status Closed
Total budget € 2 267 983 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

Urban Habitats - Urban Habitats

Lead Partner Hoogheemraadschap Schieland en de Krimpenerwaard
Priority / Objective
Priority 2 d. Promote, improve and manage nature, landscapes, natural heritage, and relations between urban, peri-urban and rural areas
Project deliverables Document
Status Closed
Total budget € 4 778 115 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

TEN - Transmanche Enterprise Network

Lead Partner Medway Council
Priority / Objective
Priority 1 b. Promote and encourage entrepreneurship and the development of new cross-border commercial initiatives
Project deliverables Video, Document
Status Closed
Total budget € 1 466 482 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

SISCo - Solutions for Implementing Sustainable Construction: The Sustainable Purchasing and Planning Centre

Lead Partner the Environment Centre (tEC)
Priority / Objective
Priority 2 c. Stimulate energy efficiency and development of renewable energies
Project deliverables Video, Document
Status Closed
Total budget € 1 704 223 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

C-SCOPE - Combining Sea and Coastal Planning in Europe

Lead Partner Provincie West-Vlaanderen
Priority / Objective
Priority 2 a. Promote and improve the development of activities linked to integrated management of coastal zones, maritime resource and estuaries
Project deliverables Document
Status Closed
Total budget € 1 790 867 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

CBOOPSD - Cross Border Observatory to Optimise Public Service Delivery

Lead Partner Kent County Council
Priority / Objective
Priority 3 b. Improve the quality of services to the population, including mobility and health care facilities.
Project deliverables Document
Status Closed
Total budget € 4 479 869 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

C2C - Connect to Compete

Lead Partner BIS Portfolio Management Office South Eas (Ex SEEDA)
Priority / Objective
Priority 1 f. Improve the accessibility of the programme area by optimising the use and mutualisation of existing infrastructures as a priority.
Project deliverables Document
Status Closed
Total budget € 12 516 244 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

ACCES - Achieving Community Champions and Enhancing Social Capital for Disadvantaged Communities

Lead Partner Medway Council
Priority / Objective
Priority 3 a. Promote and allow for social inclusion and well-being of different groups in society
Project deliverables No deliverables available at the moment.
Status Closed
Total budget € 1 019 854 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

TSE - Tackling Social Exclusion-by examining, testing, and improving service quality

Lead Partner Southampton City Council
Priority / Objective
Priority 3 b. Improve the quality of services to the population, including mobility and health care facilities.
Project deliverables Image, Document
Status Closed
Total budget € 2 310 100 Download: Details:
Acronym - Title

BPPE - Developing Best Practice in Promoting Enterprise (BPPE)

Lead Partner Business Support Kent Community Interest Company
Priority / Objective
Priority 1 e. Promote entrepreneurship and facilitate the development of employment and human capital
Project deliverables Image, Document
Status Closed
Total budget € 1 131 293 Download: Details: