Where are we today?

Calls for Proposals


Since the launch of the Programme in April 2008, 9 Calls for Proposals have taken place leading to the submission of more than 198 projects. The 9 Steering Committees that have been held so far have approved 86 projects, amongst which 28 under Priority 1, 24 within Priority 2, 27 in Priority 3 and 7 in the Common Priority. An overview and summaries of approved projects from Call 1 to Call 6 can be found in the Project Directory.

2 Seas Cluster Initiative


The "Cluster initiative" was officially launched in March 2013 and will be the link between the current and the forthcoming Programming period. It aims at creating strategic cooperation between approved projects and between potential competent organisations outside 2 Seas projects. This is to strengthen and enlarge the impact of the Programme for the benefit of the 2 Seas territories.


An ongoing Call for Clusters is open from the 16th March to 15th November 2013 and the Programme authorities have decided to particularly focus the thematic clusters on four main themes:

- Applied research, Innovation and business support,
- Accessibility of the area,
- Social inclusion,
- and Risk management in the framework of Integrated Coastal Zone Management.

Nevertheless, the 2 Seas capitalisation is open to the 16 relevant themes as implemented in the 2 Seas Programme (See ToR annex)


23 clusters were approved by the Programme Authorities.

For more information, check out the website in the following section: http://www.interreg4a-2mers.eu/clusters/approved-clusters/en



State of play


All priorities and operational objectives of the Programme have been addressed. So far projects include a wide variety of partners, and cover a good geographical spread. More information on the implementation of the Programme can be found in the State of Play, available for download below.