As stipulated by the Commission regulations (Art 67 - Reg 1083/2006), the 2 Seas Programme shall produce every year an annual report on implementation to the European Commission.
The 2010 annual report also contains an annex assessing the results of the information and publicity measures 'in terms of visibility and awareness of operational programme and of the role played by the Community'.
The information included in the reports below will give you a clear view of the implementation of the Operational Programme.
At the meeting of the Programme Monitoring Committee on 25 November 2010 in Folkestone, the Committee decided to launch the core of the evaluation process in the INTERREG IV A 2 Seas Programme. This is characterised by a three-steps approach:
Step 1: consists of an operational exercise in order to revise the Operational Programme on the most urgent issues, for example the Programme indicators and the financial set-up of the Programme linked to any decommitment.
Step 2: is a strategic mid-term exercise based on the analysis of the performance of the Programme and the perspectives for improvements for the last part of the programming period.
Step 3: will focus on the first results and lessons learned of the current programming period in view of the next programming period 2014-2020