Interreg 2 Seas opened the first step of its second Call for Proposals on 9 November 2015 and closed it on 4 January 2016. This Call invited project proposals covering any of the Programme Specific Objectives.
33 new Concept Notes have been submitted on the Electronic Exchange Platform. Below you find the breakdown of Concept Notes per Priority Axis and Specific Objective.
Priority Axis | Specific Objective | Number of Concept Notes |
Axis 1 - Technological and social innovation |
S.O 1.1 | 5 |
S.O 1.2 | 3 | |
S.O 1.3 |
11 | |
Axis 2 - Low carbon technologies |
S.O 2.1 |
5 |
Axis 3 - Adaptation |
S.O 3.1 |
7 |
Axis 4 - Resource efficient economy |
S.O 4.1 |
1 |
S.O 4.2 |
1 | |
Total |
33 |
Following the decisions made by the Monitoring Committee on the 1st Call, the Programme also received 7 Application Forms resubmitted after being referred back for operational reasons last November.