What are the Lead Partner Seminars? When are they organised?

After each Call for Proposals, approved projects are invited by the JTS to a Lead Partner seminar. These seminars provide project Lead Partners with practical information related to the implementation and management requirements within the 2 Seas Programme, especially on monitoring and reporting procedures, on first level control and on payments. 


What are the documents that need to be submitted to the Programme after the formal approval of the project?

After formal approval by the Programme Steering Committee, a project needs to send back an original signed copy of the Subsidy Contract to the JTS as soon as possible. With its first progress report, the project will also be asked to submit the Partnership Agreement. The template of these two documents can be found on the website. A project Communication Strategy will need to be submitted with the second progress report. 


Are major modifications in the project allowed during the project lifetime?

A procedure is foreseen that allows the Lead Partner to ask for project changes. Major modifications (both with and without financial impact) have to be proposed through a “request for changes procedure”. Major modifications with financial impact are allowed twice during the project’s lifetime. More information on this procedure can be found in section 9 of the Programme Manual.


Do I need to keep audit trail?

All documentation supporting and justifying the eligibility of the expenditure claimed by beneficiaries must be kept, retrievable and accessible until the 31st December 2025.

This requirement concerns accounting documents (bookkeeping), legal and supporting documents (e.g. Subsidy Contract, Application Form, service contracts, public procurement documentation, rental agreements/contracts), important communication with and from the Programme Authorities, as well as documents related to the expenditure (invoice, tickets, bank statement) and linking expenditure to Project activities (registration list, meeting agenda, minutes...),
First Level Controllers are required to check that the beneficiaries comply with the Programme requirements about a clear and transparent audit trail.