Where can I find the template of the Application Form?

The template of the Application Form will be put online on the Programme website on the opening date of each Call for Proposals, from where it will remain available, until the closure of the Call. Please pay attention to use the version of the Application Form that corresponds to the Call for Proposals you are submitting your project in.


Do I need to fill-in all the sections of the Application Form?

Yes, all the sections of the Application Form have to be duly filled-in, otherwise your project may be considered ineligible.


Do I need to fill-in the Application Form in all the Programme languages (English, French and Dutch)?

The Application Form needs to be filled-in in all the languages of the partnership. For instance, if your project gathers partners from 3 Member States (e.g. United-Kingdom, France and the Netherlands), it means that you will have to fill-in the Application Form in three different linguistic versions (English, French and Dutch). 


How can I get confirmation that the legal status I have chosen is the right one?

Confirmation that partners have indicated the correct legal status in the Application Form is a responsibility of the Member State where the partner is located. In case of private bodies (or more generally bodies involved in commercial activities), Member States will also have to check for compliance with state aid rules. If necessary, Member States will need to verify the total amount of ‘De minimis’ aid declared by the partners concerned. 


If one of the project partners is a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME), where can I find the ‘De minimis aid form’ to be filled-in?

If the project partner is an entity that exercises an activity of economic nature in competition with other operators active in the market, a ‘De minimis aid form’ needs to be filled-in. This form can be found on the Programme website, in the section ‘Calls for Proposals’ and under ‘Associated documents’. 
Further information on the “De minimis” rule can be found in section 2.2.3 and in Annex 9 of the Programme Manual.


Are word limits in the Application Form strictly applied?

The Application Form automatically counts words in the sections where limits apply. The JTS will take a pragmatic approach particularly regarding any increase of word count due to translation from the original version although projects are advised, again, to keep within the limits given. The JTS also advises projects to use the KISS (Keep it Short and Simple) principle.


Do the named project coordinator, finance officer and communication officer need to be a different person?

No. It is possible to have only one person carrying out all of these roles but it is important that the Finance officer has a financial background. They must all work for the Lead Partner.


Section 1.15 – Is it possible to have more than 6 sub-actions under each activity?

Yes – However, projects are asked to limit the sub-actions to six in the spreadsheet provided. This will be used as a tool to help the monitoring of some key milestones of the project. Other actions can be included in the activities box in section 1.9 of the Application Form.