Who assesses the project proposal? What are the main steps of the appraisal process?


The selection procedure is undertaken by the Programme Authorities (Member State representatives of the Programme,) and the Joint Technical Secretariat. The selection procedure contains an eligibility check, quality check and strategic assessment. All the different steps of the appraisal process can be found in this document. More information about each step of the process can be found in the section 8 of the Programme Manual.



Who decides which projects are attributed ERDF?

It is the Programme Steering Committee which takes the decision on all the projects submitted in the framework of the 2 Seas Programme.


If my project is ineligible, will I have to wait until the PSC decision to have a formal notification?

In case evidence of non-compliance with eligibility criteria is clear, notification to projects will be done by the Joint Technical Secretariat before the Programme Steering Committee meeting.


The project has been referred-back or rejected, what is next?

In the case of rejection or referral back, the Lead Applicant is notified of the reasons agreed at the Programme Steering Committee and can re-submit an improved application in a future Call for Proposals. The Lead Applicant can also contact the Joint Technical Secretariat and the territorial facilitators to work on the recommendations formulated by the Programme Steering Committee.